Tonight I attended BOOT CAMP! The most killer thing of all killer things! (well at least I think so) Tonight I realized how weak my arms really are. While trying to do push ups and lifting one arm off the ground, my other arm was shaking so much I literally fell on myself. Of course that was after earlier stretches, but still I don't think I've ever been that shaky. Anywho! my arms kill, my thighs ache, my triceps are burning and I'm surprised I can move my hands enough to write this! Then again I better be able to move again soon... I still have homework to do. :( Well It was tricky and very difficult! But after the burning sensation leaves and your body is numb to the aches and pains, its not all that bad. ;) Hopefully tomorrow when I'm dancing, I won't kill over and fall on the other girls. :p
If anyone is considering boot camp as an extra-curricular activity that gets you in shape, I definitely recommend it! Try it out and see what you think!