Ok so most of my life experiences now take place on the Light Rail. I'm on their 4 hours a week which doesn't seem like a lot but when you're on the light rail it feels as if it takes forever. Whether thats a good or bad feeling I haven't decided.
So as of last week I've seen some very interesting things on the rail. From gays cuddling (which I thought was just a bit awkward), to a girl making her own cigarettes. But what happens inside isn't always the best entertainment. While we were at a stop light waiting to go most of the passengers were glancing out the window at a few boys who were making a movie. One was on top of a wall while the other two were on the ground managing the camera. The boy on top started rollerblading on the wall (it was one of those decoration walls that looked like hills) and all the passengers on the rail gasped as he jumped off and did a flip onto the sidewalk. It was thrilling and I think the most excitement that some folks experienced that whole day. Haha
Well not even that experience compares to what happened two days ago. I got on the light rail after taking a test in Microbiology and I was ready to sit down and relax. Unfortunatley all the seats were filled so I had to stand. There were a few girls who walked in after me and we all stood clumped together trying not to fall over when the light rail came to a complete stop. It didn't help that one of these girls was on her bike and trying to keep that up as well. By the time we had hit the 3rd stop a few people had left but not enough for me to sit down. So I stood against the wall next to the girl on the bike (as her name shall be from now on). Just then about 40 students from a nearby elementary school boarded our car. (another 90 boarded the other cars) With no seats available they all stood in the center milling around aimlessly. The teacher of course was trying to get them to hold onto something before the light rail started up again, but too late. When we started moving 30 of those kids who hadn't grabbed anything started falling on top of the girl on the bike, which obviously lead to a domino affect and she started to fall on me, bike and all. Fortunately I was against the wall so I could help her prop up her bike as the kids got rearranged. I have never heard the light rail get that loud as it did with all those kids present. I couldn't help laughing as I watched all these fourth graders. One boy was stealthily walking around trying to avoid his teacher's eye while some of the girls were laughing and giggling in the corners. Another group of boys were all holding on a bar and glancing at me and the girl on the bike and smiling then quickly looking away when they noticed us looking back. Many of the adults there, whom I had never seen smile, were now smiling and laughing as they asked the kids how old they were, or what they were doing, etc. I don't think I was the only one sad to see them leave. Kids are astounding, they bring an innocence and life that makes many people smile. I didn't see one person on the light rail that day that wasn't smiling! :D
Oh to be young again and full of life.