Alright!!! Updates from Maureen's life; because she's too lame to write out a post for each new adventure she's merging them together.
So I went up to the Y for a semester, and pretty much loved it. Sorry Sun Devils, you are still a part of me but I've become a Cougar through and through. :) I love the weather changes, the mountains, living a social life, living on my own, even living with 5 other girls. (Not that that is a big change and all...) It was a blast getting to know so many other people from different states and with different ideals. I LOVED it! :D
Well I finally got home to good ol' Mesa. Which, needless to say, is Super hot, and I'm still not used to it. When I got off the plane I saw my sister and mom, Maddy started crying when she saw me. Aw, I love her too! Well I began to work soon after at my dad's office again. And every now and then I do some new crafts. Becca has become my craft friend. We just do whatever random idea comes to our heads. Such as Tie Dye...

Splatter Painting...

Well I've also been to many receptions and showers lately as it is just the time of year for all my friends to get married. Oh boy. From Kristin Porter Pear (who's a year younger than me), to Tara Schlappi Bodrero, who just had to go through a brain tumor surgery and will have to continue with a year of chemo. She's been so strong during this whole thing. We all love her dearly and are praying for her and her family. She now is happily married to wonderful Josh!

Well I've also been given a new calling in my ward... Relief Society Pianist. I can't play to save my life!!! So I've been practicing to get better and at least play with my right hand! So far I haven't needed to play so we'll see how that goes. :)
I'm loving my ward and I'm trying to be optimistic when it comes to work. AND I'm trying to be more social and hang out with my friends before I head up to the Y at the end of August. So call me up and lets get together! ;)
Now when I'm not at work and not hanging out with friends... well I have a secret to divulge. I've recently become an Avatar fan. No, not the blue people. I mean I've become an airbending fanatic. My sisters and I have been watching all three seasons, because we want to, and to prepare us for the movie that's coming out soon!!! July 2nd - So go see it! And to add to that we've also been watching Sonny with a Chance. (I'm secretly a 12 year old, I swear) But I love its humor and the drama that surrounds Sonny and Chad. Haha this is funny to hear me talk about it, but its true, why deny my true personality? hahaha
As for guys in my life... eh I'm not falling madly for anyone right now, just trying to keep my head clear as I go to school and work. So boys, steer clear! I still want to go on a mission. :D Maybe to Italy? haha OH! that reminds me. My cousin Alison just got off her mission! And a month after she got home her little brother is getting married, her younger sister, Carly has a one-year old! And her older sister Emily got married and is now pregnant! My family has been changing a lot! :) But I love it. Haha now I feel like I'm rambling... so its probably a good place to stop. If anything major happens in my life I'll try to keep others updated... but I'm still working on staying on top of blogging. Anyway... Talk to the few of you left later. ;)