My Songs!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pioneer Day

I know its shocking to realize that not many people know much about pioneer day so let me tell you a bit about it... pioneer day is celebrating when the pioneer's came to Utah to settle down and live here. Anywho its a BIG deal in Utah and they have fireworks on this day and a parade too. It is quite fun to have an excuse to do more partying 20 days after Independance day! :) Well the most interesting part tonight was actually not the fireworks, pie or celebration with family, though it was a blast, the most Interesting part was being burned by plastic. Yep strange as it sounds, 10 seconds after I lit a piece of plastic it flew onto my arm searing all 100 or so layers of skin. So I have a white dent in my arm strangely enough. It'll add to the other injuries I've recieved this week while jumping from 30 ft cliffs into the Colorado river on a rafting expedition and wiping out on the alpine slide while going as fast as I could possibly go! Haha warning here comes a daredevil! She's completely changed! haha life is fun!


  1. ha ha, I am glad you have a blog, my dear! But I must say, I'm not sure if I'd agree with you saying you've completely changed. . . I think you've always been a daredevil underneath ;). And I love ya for it!
