My Songs!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

High Flying McCain!

When McCain told America that the candidate for Vice was a female, the world took a deep breath! A female in the presidential office of either vice or pres. was forgotten when Clinton was struck down in the primaries. Now there is another chance to have a female lead this nation. (Even though as McCain would say he's "already been through torture") America is still trying to figure out if McCain's seemingly well-thought out decision will be beneficial to him or just hurt him more. It was a pretty gutsy move on his part, but if America was mostly ready to accept Clinton as Pres. what's so different now? Governer Palin of Alaska definitely has the spirit for office. She seems eager to be running with McCain and helping our government as much as she can! It was hard for America to learn right after McCain announced his choice that Palin's 17 year old daughter was actually pregnant. Many started stressing that Palin needed stay at home time for her daughter. Who will end up on top? McCain with his female side-kick or an African American Obama who hypnotizes people with his smooth talk and apparent good looks? I guess we'l find out soon! So DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!!!

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