When I posted my opinion of the article I quickly learned that I had been tricked. My reading skills had failed me once again. The Nacirema was really just American spelled backwards, and the whole article was someone’s perspective of me, and what I do regularly. I reread the article and each time I came to a part I had been previously disgusted with, I realized what the author was really describing, I laughed. The “shrines” seemed like bathroom sinks where we wash our faces to keep clean, and apply lotions and make-up to cover up our many flaws. The “holy-mouth-doctors” were really dentists who regularly check our teeth and mouth so that we stay healthy and don’t get sick, and yes we do go even if we know it will hurt. The “temple ceremonies” were actually just describing the hospital where we go to get better when we are really sick. Some people may die while they are there, but we know that the hospital saves more lives than it takes, and the doctors do try everything to keep us healthy. I even realized the article talked about privacy in the bathroom and psychiatrists. I was completely astonished at the reversal of my feelings towards the “nacirema.”
My Songs!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Bones, the Nacerima and a Light Bulb
(This is my final essay for my anthropology class, I loved it so much I had to share! Tell me what you think. :D )
The first time I ever heard about anthropology was when I watched the TV show Bones. The main character is a forensic anthropologist and despite her lack of feeling she has a very interesting outlook on life. The way she sees things is so different she sometimes needs a sidekick who shows more emotion to understand the human side of life. She is an example of a completely and solely scientific perspective. While I had no idea what this meant at the time, I did know I was nothing like her, but I wanted to understand her viewpoint. When I began this class I didn’t know what to expect; I didn’t know if I’d just be learning scientific facts about other cultures, or if I would read more about the ideas behind a culture. I found out when I read the first assigned article, “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema” by Horace Miner.
I’ve always been the type of person that believes anything she reads, well almost anything. So it isn’t surprising to learn that I thought the Nacirema really existed, and that I was confused and almost disturbed about what they did. As the article states, the Nacirema believe the body is ugly. They have shrines in their houses devoted to ceremonies that avert the bad characteristics of the body. Just after reading about these rituals I was appalled to think that people would hate themselves and try to change through these rituals. Of course I didn’t understand much about the actual ceremonies, but it didn’t sound fun or nice. While I continued to read I learned that the Nacirema also went to these spiteful “holy-mouth-doctors” just to endure more torture to their body. I remembered thinking, “What are these people thinking?! Why do they have to hurt themselves to become what they think is good? Who started these traditions anyhow?!” I was completely confused and frustrated with the Nacirema. It didn’t help when I read about the temple ceremonies that poke and prod these natives to supposedly heal them. The Nacirema keep coming back believing it will work, even when many have died. I was thoroughly disgusted with these people and their beliefs in magic and witch-craft. I couldn’t believe that these people really existed, and if they did I didn’t understand how they could ever be happy.
When I posted my opinion of the article I quickly learned that I had been tricked. My reading skills had failed me once again. The Nacirema was really just American spelled backwards, and the whole article was someone’s perspective of me, and what I do regularly. I reread the article and each time I came to a part I had been previously disgusted with, I realized what the author was really describing, I laughed. The “shrines” seemed like bathroom sinks where we wash our faces to keep clean, and apply lotions and make-up to cover up our many flaws. The “holy-mouth-doctors” were really dentists who regularly check our teeth and mouth so that we stay healthy and don’t get sick, and yes we do go even if we know it will hurt. The “temple ceremonies” were actually just describing the hospital where we go to get better when we are really sick. Some people may die while they are there, but we know that the hospital saves more lives than it takes, and the doctors do try everything to keep us healthy. I even realized the article talked about privacy in the bathroom and psychiatrists. I was completely astonished at the reversal of my feelings towards the “nacirema.”
I learned a few things after reading this article and discovering its real content. I learned to my embarrassment, that I need to work on my reading comprehension. I know that the author was trying to tell us that we can’t take everything we read and place opinions on what we don’t quite understand. He wrote the article this way to get a reaction from the audience, to astound us, and show us how easily we believe the chapter without reading the book. I now realize that as an anthropologist you have to immerse yourself in a culture and understand it before you judge their actions and beliefs.
When I posted my opinion of the article I quickly learned that I had been tricked. My reading skills had failed me once again. The Nacirema was really just American spelled backwards, and the whole article was someone’s perspective of me, and what I do regularly. I reread the article and each time I came to a part I had been previously disgusted with, I realized what the author was really describing, I laughed. The “shrines” seemed like bathroom sinks where we wash our faces to keep clean, and apply lotions and make-up to cover up our many flaws. The “holy-mouth-doctors” were really dentists who regularly check our teeth and mouth so that we stay healthy and don’t get sick, and yes we do go even if we know it will hurt. The “temple ceremonies” were actually just describing the hospital where we go to get better when we are really sick. Some people may die while they are there, but we know that the hospital saves more lives than it takes, and the doctors do try everything to keep us healthy. I even realized the article talked about privacy in the bathroom and psychiatrists. I was completely astonished at the reversal of my feelings towards the “nacirema.”
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Riding the Rails... Yet Again
Ok so most of my life experiences now take place on the Light Rail. I'm on their 4 hours a week which doesn't seem like a lot but when you're on the light rail it feels as if it takes forever. Whether thats a good or bad feeling I haven't decided.
So as of last week I've seen some very interesting things on the rail. From gays cuddling (which I thought was just a bit awkward), to a girl making her own cigarettes. But what happens inside isn't always the best entertainment. While we were at a stop light waiting to go most of the passengers were glancing out the window at a few boys who were making a movie. One was on top of a wall while the other two were on the ground managing the camera. The boy on top started rollerblading on the wall (it was one of those decoration walls that looked like hills) and all the passengers on the rail gasped as he jumped off and did a flip onto the sidewalk. It was thrilling and I think the most excitement that some folks experienced that whole day. Haha
Well not even that experience compares to what happened two days ago. I got on the light rail after taking a test in Microbiology and I was ready to sit down and relax. Unfortunatley all the seats were filled so I had to stand. There were a few girls who walked in after me and we all stood clumped together trying not to fall over when the light rail came to a complete stop. It didn't help that one of these girls was on her bike and trying to keep that up as well. By the time we had hit the 3rd stop a few people had left but not enough for me to sit down. So I stood against the wall next to the girl on the bike (as her name shall be from now on). Just then about 40 students from a nearby elementary school boarded our car. (another 90 boarded the other cars) With no seats available they all stood in the center milling around aimlessly. The teacher of course was trying to get them to hold onto something before the light rail started up again, but too late. When we started moving 30 of those kids who hadn't grabbed anything started falling on top of the girl on the bike, which obviously lead to a domino affect and she started to fall on me, bike and all. Fortunately I was against the wall so I could help her prop up her bike as the kids got rearranged. I have never heard the light rail get that loud as it did with all those kids present. I couldn't help laughing as I watched all these fourth graders. One boy was stealthily walking around trying to avoid his teacher's eye while some of the girls were laughing and giggling in the corners. Another group of boys were all holding on a bar and glancing at me and the girl on the bike and smiling then quickly looking away when they noticed us looking back. Many of the adults there, whom I had never seen smile, were now smiling and laughing as they asked the kids how old they were, or what they were doing, etc. I don't think I was the only one sad to see them leave. Kids are astounding, they bring an innocence and life that makes many people smile. I didn't see one person on the light rail that day that wasn't smiling! :D
Oh to be young again and full of life.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Adventures on the Light Rail!
And now for the newest and most widely sold Magazine, The New Adventures on the Light Rail.
We have here with us today the Editor of the highly entertaining article, "The Tale of the Light Rail," that has been read and enjoyed by many, Maureen Davis. She is here to answer some of our questions about the Light Rail and what to expect when riding it.
1st question: So what is it like?
Maureen: Well, it is actually quite entertaining, I get to people-watch while I'm riding the rail. There are so many diverse groups that come on the train! For instance today I sat next to an african american family (mother , two daughters, and her boyfriend) Across from me sat an arabic man, an asian woman, her hispanic husband and their son and daughter. And of course there are the few caucasions spread through-out.
2nd Question: Do you talk to anyone on the light rail?
Maureen: Yes, not very often though, I usually just like to observe, but today an interesting lady was on the train when I got on to return home. She was a bit jumpy and never stopped moving. As soon as I sat down across from her she started talking. "Wow they look so young! Young lady are you in college?"
"And what're you 19?"
"haha yes I am"
"No, a sophomore actually."
"So young! My son's 20 but he dropped out of high school, had to get his GED and now wants to be in the military, but he has to take a few classes in college first. He said if the teachers here were like the ones in high school he'da never dropped out! His name is Harbin, in French that means 'great warrior'. His dad named him, and our daughter too. I'd never have chosen french names. Her name's Mychelle - meaning 'sent from above'."
"They're beautiful names!"
"I know, but I named the last one, because my husband and I got divorced."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Happened a long time ago. Oh bye Patty! She's a good friend, so is here Lynda! We're all hobo's riding the rail."
Lynda chimes in, "She didn't really mean it she's just joking!"
I laughed
"Right, ya I like to joke around, its fun. So what's Your name?"
"Maurie? Oh thats a nice name." Said to another girl who just walked in "I love you braids!" Back to me, "I used to have long hair, it went down to Here! But then this guy had me cut it really short and now it won't grow out. Thats why I divorced him. But I had to have it cut because I needed a surgery. I had cancer. What do you want to major in?"
"nursing huh? well I did that too, though it wasn't as high as you plan to go, it was simple stuff thats why I have all these scars from shots! Well have you ever been to Bank-One Ballpark? I used to work there, it was fun but that was back when they won the world series."
Lynda says, "Ya I used to know one of them presidents there. Is that what they're called? Presidents right?"
"no hunny I think you mean the security guards"
"no no no it was someone else, president right?" She looked imploringly at me.
"I really don't know."
"Oh. Well there's one black guy there who knew my record, --I was in a least once for arsony --"
"But we All make mistakes, don't we?" She looks me up and down, "well most of us anyway."
Lynda starts up again, "Anyway he said hi to me! He was all like hey ya Lynda!"
We have here with us today the Editor of the highly entertaining article, "The Tale of the Light Rail," that has been read and enjoyed by many, Maureen Davis. She is here to answer some of our questions about the Light Rail and what to expect when riding it.
1st question: So what is it like?
Maureen: Well, it is actually quite entertaining, I get to people-watch while I'm riding the rail. There are so many diverse groups that come on the train! For instance today I sat next to an african american family (mother , two daughters, and her boyfriend) Across from me sat an arabic man, an asian woman, her hispanic husband and their son and daughter. And of course there are the few caucasions spread through-out.
2nd Question: Do you talk to anyone on the light rail?
Maureen: Yes, not very often though, I usually just like to observe, but today an interesting lady was on the train when I got on to return home. She was a bit jumpy and never stopped moving. As soon as I sat down across from her she started talking. "Wow they look so young! Young lady are you in college?"
"And what're you 19?"
"haha yes I am"
"No, a sophomore actually."
"So young! My son's 20 but he dropped out of high school, had to get his GED and now wants to be in the military, but he has to take a few classes in college first. He said if the teachers here were like the ones in high school he'da never dropped out! His name is Harbin, in French that means 'great warrior'. His dad named him, and our daughter too. I'd never have chosen french names. Her name's Mychelle - meaning 'sent from above'."
"They're beautiful names!"
"I know, but I named the last one, because my husband and I got divorced."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Happened a long time ago. Oh bye Patty! She's a good friend, so is here Lynda! We're all hobo's riding the rail."
Lynda chimes in, "She didn't really mean it she's just joking!"
I laughed
"Right, ya I like to joke around, its fun. So what's Your name?"
"Maurie? Oh thats a nice name." Said to another girl who just walked in "I love you braids!" Back to me, "I used to have long hair, it went down to Here! But then this guy had me cut it really short and now it won't grow out. Thats why I divorced him. But I had to have it cut because I needed a surgery. I had cancer. What do you want to major in?"
"nursing huh? well I did that too, though it wasn't as high as you plan to go, it was simple stuff thats why I have all these scars from shots! Well have you ever been to Bank-One Ballpark? I used to work there, it was fun but that was back when they won the world series."
Lynda says, "Ya I used to know one of them presidents there. Is that what they're called? Presidents right?"
"no hunny I think you mean the security guards"
"no no no it was someone else, president right?" She looked imploringly at me.
"I really don't know."
"Oh. Well there's one black guy there who knew my record, --I was in a least once for arsony --"
"But we All make mistakes, don't we?" She looks me up and down, "well most of us anyway."
Lynda starts up again, "Anyway he said hi to me! He was all like hey ya Lynda!"
"Well here's our stop. It was so nice to meet you!"
I said goodbye smiling wide. What pleasant people!
Well that sums up our talk with Miss. Davis! Thank you so much for being here!
"Well here's our stop. It was so nice to meet you!"
I said goodbye smiling wide. What pleasant people!
Well that sums up our talk with Miss. Davis! Thank you so much for being here!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Slowly Recovering
Ok so as the title states, I'm slowly recovering..... from sheer boredom! The beginning of this school year was just so incredibly boring! School wasn't that hard, I didn't know many people, my favorite TV shows hadn't started, etc.
Well Now its all picking up the pace and quickly too!
Starters : Midterms are next week, and I litereally have a midterm or Something for each and every part of class next week.
Institute: I happened to sign up for devotional in Both classes next week (Monday and Tuesday)
Anatomy: I have my second anatomy exam (Tuesday)
Micro LAB: I have my Lab practical/midterm (Tuesday)
Micro Lecture: I have my second micro exam (Thursday)
Ballet: I have a midterm that includes half dancing and half writing (Thursday)
Anatomy LAB: My first practical over blood, heart, blood vessels, and lungs (Wednesday)
Anthropology: My second Exam (Friday)
YIKES!!! Do you think that schedule is busy? I submit that it is not. At least not until you include my homework assignments included in half of those classes, and my church assignments these next two sundays, not to mention watching my favorite TV shows! WOW!
So my TV schedule... (this is super sad!)
Tuesday night: NCIS
Wednesday night: NCIS Los Angeles (recorded on TiVo)
Thursday night: BONES
Friday day: FRINGE (recorded on TiVo)
I do believe I have gone insane! And I like to hang out with at least one friend on the weekend, but its always nice to have more than one! ;) I think I like to stay busy, I like to stay on my toes, though I think I must be crazy bc I don't get good sleep anymore... huh. Oh well! After next week hopefully it won't be as insane anymore. :)
Well Now its all picking up the pace and quickly too!
Starters : Midterms are next week, and I litereally have a midterm or Something for each and every part of class next week.
Institute: I happened to sign up for devotional in Both classes next week (Monday and Tuesday)
Anatomy: I have my second anatomy exam (Tuesday)
Micro LAB: I have my Lab practical/midterm (Tuesday)
Micro Lecture: I have my second micro exam (Thursday)
Ballet: I have a midterm that includes half dancing and half writing (Thursday)
Anatomy LAB: My first practical over blood, heart, blood vessels, and lungs (Wednesday)
Anthropology: My second Exam (Friday)
YIKES!!! Do you think that schedule is busy? I submit that it is not. At least not until you include my homework assignments included in half of those classes, and my church assignments these next two sundays, not to mention watching my favorite TV shows! WOW!
So my TV schedule... (this is super sad!)
Tuesday night: NCIS
Wednesday night: NCIS Los Angeles (recorded on TiVo)
Thursday night: BONES
Friday day: FRINGE (recorded on TiVo)
I do believe I have gone insane! And I like to hang out with at least one friend on the weekend, but its always nice to have more than one! ;) I think I like to stay busy, I like to stay on my toes, though I think I must be crazy bc I don't get good sleep anymore... huh. Oh well! After next week hopefully it won't be as insane anymore. :)
Monday, September 28, 2009
Ok for the three of you who still read my blog. ;) I'll be keeping my old blog (aka this one) but I'll probably write less in it from now on (because what can I say life gets busy) so if you want to read my private blog just give me your e-mail address. Thanks all.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Random Quoting Fun!
Alright so... My sisters Maddy, Erin, my cousin Danielle and I have this family website where we share stories, pictures, movies, activities, and such. Its really amusing! Tradition dictates that when you turn 13 you can join the website and contribute. Well as we four are the only ones above 13 so far we practically rule the roost. Since I'm the eldest cousin on my mom's side, you'd think I'd be in charge of the whole site, but my 15 year old cousin very much deserves the spot of head coordinator. She's awesome. So this post is dedicated to her. Danielle Larsen.
One of the topics on our family blog was Quotes. We had to each write a few quotes from something... Well... she out did us... as always. Here's her quote from a computer game that she loves. Monkey Island.
Murray and Guybrush's conversation:
GUYBRUSH is a pirate and MURRAY is an evil disembodied skull
Guybrush: You know, you'd look great with a melting candle on your forehead.
Murray: I'm getting the feeling that you're not taking me very seriously
Guybrush: No, I am
Murray: Really? Then let me here you scream in terror!!!
Guybrush: Well, I'm too petrified to say anything
Murray: Wahhahahahah!!!
Guybrush: Why do you villians always laugh so much?
Murray: Well, I wasn't laughing at anything in particular, somewhere there's a fish nibbling on my foot and it really tickles!
Guybrush: Was your mother's father bald too?
Murray: I'm not bald! I just have a really high widow's peak
Guybrush: Well at least you won't ever have to worry about what to wear
Murray: Well, I guess that's true
Guybrush: And excessorizing will be really easy
Murray: That's also true--and I look great in hats
Guybrush: There ya go! I'm going now
My challenge to you is to write in the comment box you're own favorite quotes! Go ahead, get started! :)
One of the topics on our family blog was Quotes. We had to each write a few quotes from something... Well... she out did us... as always. Here's her quote from a computer game that she loves. Monkey Island.
Murray and Guybrush's conversation:
GUYBRUSH is a pirate and MURRAY is an evil disembodied skull
Guybrush: You know, you'd look great with a melting candle on your forehead.
Murray: I'm getting the feeling that you're not taking me very seriously
Guybrush: No, I am
Murray: Really? Then let me here you scream in terror!!!
Guybrush: Well, I'm too petrified to say anything
Murray: Wahhahahahah!!!
Guybrush: Why do you villians always laugh so much?
Murray: Well, I wasn't laughing at anything in particular, somewhere there's a fish nibbling on my foot and it really tickles!
Guybrush: Was your mother's father bald too?
Murray: I'm not bald! I just have a really high widow's peak
Guybrush: Well at least you won't ever have to worry about what to wear
Murray: Well, I guess that's true
Guybrush: And excessorizing will be really easy
Murray: That's also true--and I look great in hats
Guybrush: There ya go! I'm going now
My challenge to you is to write in the comment box you're own favorite quotes! Go ahead, get started! :)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Making a Different Blog
So not that many people read this blog much or anything, but for my more interesting stories and more intriguing details in life, I've decided to write a new blog. Hopefully I'll write more in that blog about daily life. I'll continue in this blog to write about cool ideas and stuff, but my private blog will include more things about me. So if you want to read my other blog I'm starting go ahead and give me your e-mail address's. Mine is sweetrivergirl90@cox.net. E-mail me if you want to read the blog! Thanks to all you devoted fans. ;) haha
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Hey - Low Leetle Keeds!
I have a few things to tell you all!
1. I use a funny accent every now and then, when I'm happy and just being myself (hence the odd looking title)
2. In choir a few years ago we sang my favorite song ever. Its called The Awakening. It's a song about a person who has a dream that there is no music in the world, that it is silent. It is a nightmare and he tries to sing out, but he can't. Finally he bursts from the dream and wakes up singing. No more will the songs go away. I love the song! And I really wish I had the version of the song we sang. But I do have a version that is really well done.
Have a listen!
3. My sister and I just finished watching Prince Caspian, the credits began to roll across the screen when this song came on, and now it's one of my favorites for the time being. :)
Regina Spektor's The Call! It brings a lot of meaning to lots of different things, and could be taken in many different ways. Ah the beauty of the mind and music, what they create together is Extraordinary! Check out the song.
4. I love comments! :)
5. I have a new calling in church that I think is going to help me tremendously along with the others I'm helping but it is kinda amusing that there is such a calling. I'm in the mingles committee!
6. I love singing... I think my family's annoyed with me because I sing so much at home, while I'm doing the dishes, walking around the house, doing chores or getting ready for the day. I wonder what my roommates will think of me when they realize how much I sing. ;) Or even my future family... hmm... there Will be music in my family! Music is part of my life! (Have you noticed?)
7. I LOVE Friends! Jen, Chelsea, Becca, Amy and I have been hanging a lot lately before Becca left for Utah, Amy left for Idaho and Chels left for Jerusalem. Its been so much fun, and I've actually learned more things about myself when around them. And I hope that we stay bestest friends through college and life! That would ROCK! ;) Haha Friends inspire us, lift us up when we're feeling down, listen when we need an ear, and give advice when we feel lost.
"No Gift can Compare to a Friend Who's Always There!"
1. I use a funny accent every now and then, when I'm happy and just being myself (hence the odd looking title)
2. In choir a few years ago we sang my favorite song ever. Its called The Awakening. It's a song about a person who has a dream that there is no music in the world, that it is silent. It is a nightmare and he tries to sing out, but he can't. Finally he bursts from the dream and wakes up singing. No more will the songs go away. I love the song! And I really wish I had the version of the song we sang. But I do have a version that is really well done.
Have a listen!
3. My sister and I just finished watching Prince Caspian, the credits began to roll across the screen when this song came on, and now it's one of my favorites for the time being. :)
Regina Spektor's The Call! It brings a lot of meaning to lots of different things, and could be taken in many different ways. Ah the beauty of the mind and music, what they create together is Extraordinary! Check out the song.
4. I love comments! :)
5. I have a new calling in church that I think is going to help me tremendously along with the others I'm helping but it is kinda amusing that there is such a calling. I'm in the mingles committee!
6. I love singing... I think my family's annoyed with me because I sing so much at home, while I'm doing the dishes, walking around the house, doing chores or getting ready for the day. I wonder what my roommates will think of me when they realize how much I sing. ;) Or even my future family... hmm... there Will be music in my family! Music is part of my life! (Have you noticed?)
7. I LOVE Friends! Jen, Chelsea, Becca, Amy and I have been hanging a lot lately before Becca left for Utah, Amy left for Idaho and Chels left for Jerusalem. Its been so much fun, and I've actually learned more things about myself when around them. And I hope that we stay bestest friends through college and life! That would ROCK! ;) Haha Friends inspire us, lift us up when we're feeling down, listen when we need an ear, and give advice when we feel lost.
"No Gift can Compare to a Friend Who's Always There!"
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
School Starts Yet Again
My parents took a picture of me every year on the first day of school. You know, the traditional picture you take five seconds before you leave out the door, with the cutest clothes you own to make a great first impression, and your backpack slung around one shoulder. I have one for every year I've been in school... until I hit College.
College is great! It's got it's perks: like your first day really lasts 2 or 3 days of school, you can choose classes, professors, no one tells you what to major in, you get to decide! You can stay near home or go far away, you can live at home, on campus, or in an apartment right outside of school. So many choices, no real demands, other than "choose your major before junior year" and "you have to do these classes to get in this major" AND You now have to pay for education. Thats all. Nothing too hard right? If you are a scholarly person you should do well without too many problems - try to have a little bit of fun though - if you're a party-er you'll definitely have fun (just don't have too much fun) and remember good grades really do help you make money in the future... And you thought grades didn't matter anymore! HA!
With every semester I attend, I find it more and more interesting. For example: This year's "first" day(s) was/were a blast just bc I got awesome teachers and have fun subjects. I'm taking Anatomy, Microbiology, Anthropology, and Ballet! Ballet? yes. I think its fun to take a random class that I'm interested. Last semester I took a Broadway class, that was fun. So my ballet teacher and I get along, she's really nice and I think I'm actually going to enjoy this class a lot! Its going to be tough bc i'm not That flexible but we shall see, so far I'm doing good, and getting an A should be easy. Score! So Anatomy is the same as always, lectures that are quite interesting, and lab that is difficult and super fun! For example, we're learning about Blood already, in lab we had to prick ourselves to find out our blood type and so on. So my TA couldn't tell if i was O+ or AB+, guess I'll never know. Man all that puncturing my skin for nothing. ;) And today I went to Sunsplash with Amy and Anatomy was so much in my head that I thought the lazy river was a bloodstream, the water obviously plasma, the red innertubes = red blood cells, and the people have to be the platelets and white blood cells. So those people who felt lke slowing down the whole stream of things were obviously the platelets bc they started clogging traffic and the other people who barged through white blood cells... ya I'm a nerd and I know it. :)
So my microbiology class... well its not going to be easy... but so far we've already looked at pond scum and started determining what the lifeforms are. Interesting, hopefully with my weekly study group we'll get A's. And my teacher... He's hallarious. When you first look at him, you thing total biology geek, you watch him for a little bit and you think... Nervous? He cannot stop Moving! whether he's banging on the desk or jumping around through the room he's crazy. he looks 20 but is really in his late 30's. He is super funny and completely obsessed with 2 things. Microbiology, and teaching. Perfect! Haha he says his class is hard but we'll actually learn something and come out of the class brighter by the end... if we work hard of course.
Anthropology is a rather boring class, even for an online class. Reading a chapter a week isn't my forte, but if I do I almost get a definite A+, So thats a good thing right? Well other than those classes I have my institute classes which I love. Brother Herbst calls himself the Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher. And Brother Wold, my favorite teacher ever, is teaching us the old testament. Which is hard, when you don't exactly like the old testament but he's a really good teacherm and so far it has been very interesting.
Well other than all that, I guess the only other thing is that I have to ride the light rail between campuses. Ha, I'll have to write more about that later. I do believe i could come up with MANY stories of things that happen on the light rail. It is sooo fun to people watch! Anyway.. that is my week in a nutshell. The first week has come and gone, with no pictures. Oh well there's always next year. :)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Dedicated to MY red-headed Sis

Pictures are like memories frozen in time, they say a million words about the most random things I do. For example: I have a picture of my sister and I in a photo booth making silly faces at each other. When you look at it you may think hmm they are silly sisters, or Oh! They are soo cute! or even, I wish I had a sister with red hair. And the most random person might think to themself, I wonder if they eat tomatoes. But when I look at this picture, I remember where we were: Maddy and I wandering around Knottsberry Farm looking for a rollercoaster we can both ride that Maddy wouldn't feel like she was losing her head on, or the fact that we rode on the Mad Hat cups, Jaguar, and boat ride 10 times each.

When I think about our silly faces in the picture I think of all the many times we've died laughing on the floor about the silliest things that didn't even make sense (but no one can help laughing when you hear Maddy's laugh - She's hallarious).
And when I think of the times we've died laughing I think about the random movie sayings we quote around the house 24/7. My mom doesn't think we know how to have an intelligent conversation when we quote movies half the time.
And when I think of all the things we've quoted, I remember the time we wrote in the sand... the silliest things EVER! We had a hay day of sand quotes! Oh Joy!

And THAT's what I see when I look at a picture! Oh the joy of memories! :)

Friday, August 7, 2009
A Veces... Sometimes...
Sometimes I wish you couldn't get colds from staying out in the rain.
Sometimes I wish I could be smarter.
Sometimes I wish I had the determination to get things done.
Sometimes I wish life was a musical -> I'd probably be the one singing the dramatic ballads.
Sometimes I wish I wasn't so picky.
Sometimes I wish people had the decency to just say whats bugging them and get on with it.
Sometimes I wish I listened to my own advice.
Sometimes I wish we didn't grow up, that there really was a Neverland.
Sometimes I wish people didn't change.
Sometimes I wish they did.
Sometimes I wish I could be a well-known heart surgeon saving lives right and left, and
Sometimes I wish I could curl up in a ball and hide from everyone.
Sometimes I wish that I knew everything, then I realize life wouldn't be as fun.
Sometimes I wish I could control people
Sometimes I wish people would tell me what to do so I didn't have to think.
There are a lot of "wishes" and "sometimes" in the world that Sometimes I just wish life was perfect. But perfect doesn't exist here right now so I guess I'll have to patiently persevere.
Sometimes I wish you couldn't get colds from staying out in the rain.
Sometimes I wish I could be smarter.
Sometimes I wish I had the determination to get things done.
Sometimes I wish life was a musical -> I'd probably be the one singing the dramatic ballads.
Sometimes I wish I wasn't so picky.
Sometimes I wish people had the decency to just say whats bugging them and get on with it.
Sometimes I wish I listened to my own advice.
Sometimes I wish we didn't grow up, that there really was a Neverland.
Sometimes I wish people didn't change.
Sometimes I wish they did.
Sometimes I wish I could be a well-known heart surgeon saving lives right and left, and
Sometimes I wish I could curl up in a ball and hide from everyone.
Sometimes I wish that I knew everything, then I realize life wouldn't be as fun.
Sometimes I wish I could control people
Sometimes I wish people would tell me what to do so I didn't have to think.
There are a lot of "wishes" and "sometimes" in the world that Sometimes I just wish life was perfect. But perfect doesn't exist here right now so I guess I'll have to patiently persevere.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Laundry List
Here are a few things that I need to finish in the next month...
1. Read about 5 more books to finish my 10 book goal this summer
2. Get all my books and such for school
3. Talk to my long-lost-brother. :p
4. Tell any and all males ages 21 and older that I cannot date them for the next 5 months
5. Play with Friends (this is top priority)
6. Write letters back to... hmmm.... 5 people? or more.
7. Organize my room... which is kinda important before school.
8. Finish this Nancy Drew game.
9. Get a bulleten board and put my picture colage on it. (Learn how to spell)
10. Figure out housing for winter semester... thats kinda tricky.
11. Take any random pictures with people that I can.
12. Dye my hair blue or red... I haven't decided yet... hmm...
13. Learn 5 languages... uh Rosetta Stone anyone?
14. Watch Wicked and paint my nails green and black!... oh wait... CHECK!
15. Sing Wicked songs around the house at the top of my lungs
16. Learn how to play the guitar
17. Learn how to do finances
18. Get on Broadway!
...These are beginning to sound like long term goals...
19. Graduate from College with BSN/RN --> Go Nursing!
And don't forget 20. According to my 6 year old sister - get married in the next month. I don't know how well that one will work out. But we shall see. :)
Post Script: Fulfil... LIFE!!!
1. Read about 5 more books to finish my 10 book goal this summer
2. Get all my books and such for school
3. Talk to my long-lost-brother. :p
4. Tell any and all males ages 21 and older that I cannot date them for the next 5 months
5. Play with Friends (this is top priority)
6. Write letters back to... hmmm.... 5 people? or more.
7. Organize my room... which is kinda important before school.
8. Finish this Nancy Drew game.
9. Get a bulleten board and put my picture colage on it. (Learn how to spell)
10. Figure out housing for winter semester... thats kinda tricky.
11. Take any random pictures with people that I can.
12. Dye my hair blue or red... I haven't decided yet... hmm...
13. Learn 5 languages... uh Rosetta Stone anyone?
14. Watch Wicked and paint my nails green and black!... oh wait... CHECK!
15. Sing Wicked songs around the house at the top of my lungs
16. Learn how to play the guitar
17. Learn how to do finances
18. Get on Broadway!
...These are beginning to sound like long term goals...
19. Graduate from College with BSN/RN --> Go Nursing!
And don't forget 20. According to my 6 year old sister - get married in the next month. I don't know how well that one will work out. But we shall see. :)
Post Script: Fulfil... LIFE!!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Going CRAZY!
A few more friends leave, a few less continue corresponding, and it keeps getting closer.
School is drawing near and I'm in the process of getting things organized for school, WHILE I'm working at my dad's office and trying to spend more time with my family. Life can be hard to balance.
I used to think It's alright, soon it will be easier, soon I'll be able to relax more, to enjoy my time more... well, that was a ridiculous thought. I decided that obviously I have to keep working to make a better future for myself but I should spend some time to focus on myself too in the process. Balance is key! But what to balance, and how does school, church, friends and work all balance? Different measurements of each? It is terribly confusing.
Anyway, there are lots of new things that have been happening in my life. 1. I'm moving into my churches Single's Ward next week, and I'm frightfully nervous. 2. Getting into BYU for Winter semester! 3. I've Finally decided on my Major! (took me long enough) and I'm going into Nursing! How awesome? right? 4. I do believe that practically all of my friends have left on their missions who were planning on going. So now the limited few left have to stick together (which is hard when we're college students, traveling and going to different colleges). 5. I've come to know myself a LITTLE more than before. Not that I'm close to figuring out myself entirely of course. 6. And I've had quite a few experiences that are hard to believe actually happened. For one I learned something about someone I would've never guessed. And NO, I'm not telling who or what. Don't you love me? ;) Another experience came from a friend who I've lost contact with, I've learned how important it is to be there for friends, bc there may be a time you need them too. And there have been many other amazing experiences that give me more hope for the future!
Well I don't really know what else to say... I hope I've crystalized it for you. :) Keep reading, even if you don't respond I know there is someone out there reading this nonsense... even if it is just me. ;)
School is drawing near and I'm in the process of getting things organized for school, WHILE I'm working at my dad's office and trying to spend more time with my family. Life can be hard to balance.
I used to think It's alright, soon it will be easier, soon I'll be able to relax more, to enjoy my time more... well, that was a ridiculous thought. I decided that obviously I have to keep working to make a better future for myself but I should spend some time to focus on myself too in the process. Balance is key! But what to balance, and how does school, church, friends and work all balance? Different measurements of each? It is terribly confusing.
Anyway, there are lots of new things that have been happening in my life. 1. I'm moving into my churches Single's Ward next week, and I'm frightfully nervous. 2. Getting into BYU for Winter semester! 3. I've Finally decided on my Major! (took me long enough) and I'm going into Nursing! How awesome? right? 4. I do believe that practically all of my friends have left on their missions who were planning on going. So now the limited few left have to stick together (which is hard when we're college students, traveling and going to different colleges). 5. I've come to know myself a LITTLE more than before. Not that I'm close to figuring out myself entirely of course. 6. And I've had quite a few experiences that are hard to believe actually happened. For one I learned something about someone I would've never guessed. And NO, I'm not telling who or what. Don't you love me? ;) Another experience came from a friend who I've lost contact with, I've learned how important it is to be there for friends, bc there may be a time you need them too. And there have been many other amazing experiences that give me more hope for the future!
Well I don't really know what else to say... I hope I've crystalized it for you. :) Keep reading, even if you don't respond I know there is someone out there reading this nonsense... even if it is just me. ;)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
And now for Pictures with Maureen and Chels
So I went to Utah a few weeks ago to visit Chelsea Ellsworth and to look around BYU. It was super fun! I was able to go to some classes with Chels and we watched a million movies or so. I had a blast! Well, while we were there, we decided to take a drive to a lake, but on the way we passed Aspen grove so we decided to turn in and look at the campground where we share many memories. We drove up and took pictures, and it was so much fun to reminisce! Well here are some of the pictures we took on my camera. (her camera was WAY-cooler because it was an old fashioned camera she got from her grandfather.

Following our road trip we went to a park she knew to take pictures. It was an awesome park!

This concludes our taking pictures tour. Summary is that we had a blast and I enjoyed carrying around a camera for once! (which I usually despise) It was a great trip. Thanks Chels for the fun!
After taking pictures of the mountains we went by Bridal Falls and took pictures there.
(sorry its sideways)
Chelsea and her cool camera!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Inspirational Musica!
So I wanted to share a few songs that whenever I listen to them I can't help but feel complete joy and/or peace. So I wanted to post them for you all! (since my music player is being stupid)
The first song is a guitar solo from a movie called Uncorked. I wasn't able to find the solo alone but I found a clip with the part (skip to 4:24 min if you want just the solo)
The first song is a guitar solo from a movie called Uncorked. I wasn't able to find the solo alone but I found a clip with the part (skip to 4:24 min if you want just the solo)
The second song is "I Stand" by Idina Menzel, I tried to find a link but there wasn't a good one so you can go to this link but personally I would just listen to the music and minimize the video.
The third song is based on a poem and is called "Human" by The Killers, I don't know why but I love this song.
The fourth song is "If Today was Your Last Day" by Nickleback, I usually don't like songs by Nickleback but this song had a good message that I enjoyed!
And I like "Decode" by Paramore a lot, but that song actually doesn't make me peaceful, haha I actually get angry when I listen to it... the anger that makes you feel good to be angry for those 4 minutes when you can't be angry any other time. (hopefully that makes sense somewhat)
There might be a few more but I can't think of them, so for the time being just listen to these. :)
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Ok so... I'm a slacker I know. But hopefuly this summer I'll write more. I love writing random stuff, I like playing with people, I Love singing, I truly enjoy traveling, I like acting, And I love helping others (hopefully though nursing in a few years). There are so many things that I like that its hard to keep up with everything I want to do!
Well I found something else I like to do on top of that list! haha Photography! I don't havea professional camera, and in fact its my sisters old camera, but its tons better than my old camera! It also has lots of picture options that are really awesome! So... I decided to play with it one day and I'm showing you some that I liked! :) And yes Annie, a lot of them are of me but hey my sisters were busy... what else was I supposed to do? ;)
Well I found something else I like to do on top of that list! haha Photography! I don't havea professional camera, and in fact its my sisters old camera, but its tons better than my old camera! It also has lots of picture options that are really awesome! So... I decided to play with it one day and I'm showing you some that I liked! :) And yes Annie, a lot of them are of me but hey my sisters were busy... what else was I supposed to do? ;)
I tried using lots of different color tones for pictures then I tried Negative! It was awesome! Especially taking pictures of my cieling. It looked like a solar system! Cool huh?
So I can take photos next to eachother in sets of 2, 3, and 4, here are some examples!
I found that my dining room was very pleasing to the eye in black and white. (and turned to a slight angle)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Yep Agony.
~My sister was in the school play this year, Into the Woods. I loved it but one of my favorite songs had to be... Agony! yep the priceless princes singing of their woes when it comes to girls. Who would have thought?!
(For more on Agony the song visit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rc_GEhu6oCY)
Ya well for some reason I realized Agony comes in more forms than just a silly song.
For one, it comes in the form of physical pain. No I haven't felt agony due to pains, but annoying pain from sleeping the wrong way on my neck the other night.
Two, agony can be severe annoyance with your siblings. grrr... Hey no one said living in a house of moody teenage girls would be fun.
Three, agony can be emotional hurt felt for others who are stupid in their decisions. And I'm not talking big life altering decisions, I'm talking small decisions that eventually lead to a stupid mess that you can't get out of. Why are people so stupid? honestly! ok pesimism hopefully leaving.
Four, and lastly, agony can be guilt for doing something wrong that has flipped lots of switches that you would rather not be switched. It is the unceasing annoyance that says "you started it" "that was your fault" "why don't you ever learn?"
~My sister was in the school play this year, Into the Woods. I loved it but one of my favorite songs had to be... Agony! yep the priceless princes singing of their woes when it comes to girls. Who would have thought?!
(For more on Agony the song visit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rc_GEhu6oCY)
Ya well for some reason I realized Agony comes in more forms than just a silly song.
For one, it comes in the form of physical pain. No I haven't felt agony due to pains, but annoying pain from sleeping the wrong way on my neck the other night.
Two, agony can be severe annoyance with your siblings. grrr... Hey no one said living in a house of moody teenage girls would be fun.
Three, agony can be emotional hurt felt for others who are stupid in their decisions. And I'm not talking big life altering decisions, I'm talking small decisions that eventually lead to a stupid mess that you can't get out of. Why are people so stupid? honestly! ok pesimism hopefully leaving.
Four, and lastly, agony can be guilt for doing something wrong that has flipped lots of switches that you would rather not be switched. It is the unceasing annoyance that says "you started it" "that was your fault" "why don't you ever learn?"
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Short, Sweet and to the Point!
Favorite Twilight Spoofs! Gotta Love 'em! ;)
First watch the trailers if you haven't already...
Cuz that makes these all the more funny!
Again maybe this just may be super funny because I'm half asleep, I haven't decided yet... Enjoy!!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Boot Camp!!!
Tonight I attended BOOT CAMP! The most killer thing of all killer things! (well at least I think so) Tonight I realized how weak my arms really are. While trying to do push ups and lifting one arm off the ground, my other arm was shaking so much I literally fell on myself. Of course that was after earlier stretches, but still I don't think I've ever been that shaky. Anywho! my arms kill, my thighs ache, my triceps are burning and I'm surprised I can move my hands enough to write this! Then again I better be able to move again soon... I still have homework to do. :( Well It was tricky and very difficult! But after the burning sensation leaves and your body is numb to the aches and pains, its not all that bad. ;) Hopefully tomorrow when I'm dancing, I won't kill over and fall on the other girls. :p
If anyone is considering boot camp as an extra-curricular activity that gets you in shape, I definitely recommend it! Try it out and see what you think!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Spring Break Babysitting Memories
So whenever my parents go out of town for the weekend, me being the oldest, I'm left to babysit the girls. I'm not complaining or anything, it can be lots of fun! Well This time was special! Me and Maddy usually try to find something obscure and random to do so that the little girls think we're cool older sisters! So this time we decided Water Works!
This is Emmy and Olivia's water mark

With the hose and a wall (and of course oursleves) we can make art! Check it out!

We also had some water fun!

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