My parents took a picture of me every year on the first day of school. You know, the traditional picture you take five seconds before you leave out the door, with the cutest clothes you own to make a great first impression, and your backpack slung around one shoulder. I have one for every year I've been in school... until I hit College.
College is great! It's got it's perks: like your first day really lasts 2 or 3 days of school, you can choose classes, professors, no one tells you what to major in, you get to decide! You can stay near home or go far away, you can live at home, on campus, or in an apartment right outside of school. So many choices, no real demands, other than "choose your major before junior year" and "you have to do these classes to get in this major" AND You now have to pay for education. Thats all. Nothing too hard right? If you are a scholarly person you should do well without too many problems - try to have a little bit of fun though - if you're a party-er you'll definitely have fun (just don't have too much fun) and remember good grades really do help you make money in the future... And you thought grades didn't matter anymore! HA!
With every semester I attend, I find it more and more interesting. For example: This year's "first" day(s) was/were a blast just bc I got awesome teachers and have fun subjects. I'm taking Anatomy, Microbiology, Anthropology, and Ballet! Ballet? yes. I think its fun to take a random class that I'm interested. Last semester I took a Broadway class, that was fun. So my ballet teacher and I get along, she's really nice and I think I'm actually going to enjoy this class a lot! Its going to be tough bc i'm not That flexible but we shall see, so far I'm doing good, and getting an A should be easy. Score! So Anatomy is the same as always, lectures that are quite interesting, and lab that is difficult and super fun! For example, we're learning about Blood already, in lab we had to prick ourselves to find out our blood type and so on. So my TA couldn't tell if i was O+ or AB+, guess I'll never know. Man all that puncturing my skin for nothing. ;) And today I went to Sunsplash with Amy and Anatomy was so much in my head that I thought the lazy river was a bloodstream, the water obviously plasma, the red innertubes = red blood cells, and the people have to be the platelets and white blood cells. So those people who felt lke slowing down the whole stream of things were obviously the platelets bc they started clogging traffic and the other people who barged through white blood cells... ya I'm a nerd and I know it. :)
So my microbiology class... well its not going to be easy... but so far we've already looked at pond scum and started determining what the lifeforms are. Interesting, hopefully with my weekly study group we'll get A's. And my teacher... He's hallarious. When you first look at him, you thing total biology geek, you watch him for a little bit and you think... Nervous? He cannot stop Moving! whether he's banging on the desk or jumping around through the room he's crazy. he looks 20 but is really in his late 30's. He is super funny and completely obsessed with 2 things. Microbiology, and teaching. Perfect! Haha he says his class is hard but we'll actually learn something and come out of the class brighter by the end... if we work hard of course.
Anthropology is a rather boring class, even for an online class. Reading a chapter a week isn't my forte, but if I do I almost get a definite A+, So thats a good thing right? Well other than those classes I have my institute classes which I love. Brother Herbst calls himself the Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher. And Brother Wold, my favorite teacher ever, is teaching us the old testament. Which is hard, when you don't exactly like the old testament but he's a really good teacherm and so far it has been very interesting.
Well other than all that, I guess the only other thing is that I have to ride the light rail between campuses. Ha, I'll have to write more about that later. I do believe i could come up with MANY stories of things that happen on the light rail. It is sooo fun to people watch! Anyway.. that is my week in a nutshell. The first week has come and gone, with no pictures. Oh well there's always next year. :)
i need to find you on campus sometime and we can fix your picture-less life. i love this. i love you. thahsal.