My Songs!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Dull Life of the Average Teen Girl

So as far as it goes, and average teen girl is very conflicted in the jaws of Life. It is a complicated road, a narrow winding path that sometimes leads to a dead end so we just have to turn ourselves around, pull ourselves off the ground and look for something good!
We all face trials, and the average teen girl gets, well about the average fair share of hers. She has to be bullied a bit, go through all her awkward stages feeling completely alone and she has to face her worst nightmare...Boys. Yep the scariest things on the planet! Right next to crocadiles of course.
Boys are terrifying! They stop your heart at any given moment, make you rave like a lunatic on how cute they are, make you overthink EVERYTHING, Drive you insane, give you those puppy dog eyes which of course means only mischief, and much much more. They are one of the most deadly creatures on the face of the planet! Killing girls right and left, of course they're not Exactly dead, just mostly. Which is the worst kind. Each girl who has been "killed" by one of these characters endures remorse, grief, pain, an undeniable longing to shed many tears, and a sense of hopelessness, and this side effect lasts many moons, in fact usually months if not longer. It is a bitter sweet taste that hangs over each of these average girls. They were brought in to like something so wonderful and then thrown down a garbage shoot the next second.
*Sigh* whatever will be done? I suppose Boys just need to overcome this "scaryness" and I have just the Idea. Missions! But will they help? Stay tuned for the next episode of The Dull Life of the Average Teen Girl.


  1. This post is definitely a girl power post, much like those songs I had to listen to in the car on the way to Utah. You make it sound like all boys are evil before their mission. This is not true. Missions don't miraculously change people. It depends on who they were before their mission and if they are truly willing to turn their life completely over to the Lord. Missions make good boys into good men, great boys into great men, and bad boys older. :)

  2. Trevor I'm not nagging on boys and their missions. I'm sorry it came across that way. This is just a post explaining how I felt one day but i can take it down if you would like.

  3. NO! don't take it down. trever, i'm sorry you feel that maureen's claim is unjustified (and i'm sorry about all the girl talk you had to hear in the car). but maureen, you nailed this right on the head. not the whole "boys will be better post-mission" thing, but the "boys do crazy things to girls and it's just not fair" thing. it really isn't. we suffer. i hate it. and love it. #$%@. sad day.

  4. Boys are definitely different after their missions. I agree with what Trevor said "Missions make good boys into good men, great boys into great men, and bad boys older." This is so true. Any boy that is worth it will be 10x better when they get home from their mission and any boy who wasn't willing to be obedient, didn't cultivate their testimony, and hasn't gained confidence in themselves is lame and not worth your time. :)

  5. Thank you Kristin! Maureen, please don't take the post down. I was just commenting and I'm sorry if it came across negative, I tend to do that sometime when I write. Sorry!

  6. haha no you're fine Trevor! I enjoyed your comment after Kristin explained it. :) haha jk! Thank you all for your comments! It inspires me to write more!

  7. i'm still waiting for the next installment of this story...could you hurry it up? :) just kidding. ha ha.
