My Songs!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


BOYS!!! They bring trouble, drama, uncertainty, confusion and sometimes life filled with woes. Well I've got to thinking... what if its me that is bringing it upon myself? Ya sure guys add a lot to it but what if its my problem too? Well all the guys reading this are probably thinking WOW she finally got it through her head... Bravo Maureen! and the girls are probably like... its boys faults! Well I've been in deep thought over this for the past few days and I have to hand it to the guys, they deal with a lot! Girls like me love drama... being right all the time, more drama, getting what they want, more drama, speaking in endless phrases that to guys don't make sense, and attention. But in our defense boys forget, they don't get us, and they don't like to talk as much as we do (which I still don't understand). You'd think we (boys and girls) would all get that we're different and move on but we tend to cause even more trouble. Why is that? And why in the end will we do anything for them even if they do something we consider stupid? Well I don't think these questions will be answered anytime soon or ever really... Its a confusing subject really, but hey they say opposites attract maybe we complete eachother in a way... nah! ;) ha ha jk! well please respond, I'd like to hear your opinions!

1 comment:

  1. hmm...goood thought.

    I like it.

    It's so true. I mean, guys do things that annoy us. But we do things that annoy them too. So why don't we just stop complaining about the fact that boys/girls are so confusing/annoying and realize that it works both ways? I don't know. But I do know that tomorrow I'll prob have already forgotten my own question and be back to blaming guys for all my confuzzling thoughts. Ah dear...I guess that's just part of life.

