My Songs!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Moving On... No One Ever Said It Was Easy!

Sometimes change comes at a hard time in your life. Sometimes you sit down and think "Why me?" And other times you think "this is perfect timing!" Well what if it happens to be both? What are you supposed to think then? Which emotion controls the others? ...Why do you have to be emotional in the first place about any change? And why can it be so down right hard!?

Yep obviously change has happened in my life and I don't exactly know how to handle it. Ok... thats a lie. I know how to handle it because Many people tell me how to, but what if I don't want to do it that way? *sigh* if you don't know I suppose you'd be rather confused. Well Darrik Farmer just left for his mission for my Church. He's off to Brazil! And I couldn't be happier for him and all the other awesome guys who will soon be doing the Lord's will and serving others! (upcoming missionaries: Matt Hoskisson, Kendall Sirrine, Tanner Neville, Joe Kjar... etc.) But the hard thing is that he's gone... and he was a really good friend of mine. In fact when all my other friends went to school in other states he was still here, one of the few! And we got to be better friends over the past month. Well he left on tuesday and now I have mixed over-joyous and sad feelings that are battling over which I should be from time to time. Ugh. And whats kinda awesome but harder to handle is that All my guy friends are leaving in the next few years too! And since I've sworn off dating for a while its going to be a long 2 -3 years! ;)

Well I've decided to just be happy about it and while my guy friends are gone what a perfect time to perfect myself and serve the Lord in my own way by serving others here! My goal is to show my love to others out there who need it! I'm excited for all the guys to go off and serve their missions! And I know they're all excited too! Good luck! And God be with you till we meet again!! Go Missionaries! :)


  1. Oh my goodness, we must think alike, because you used my ending phrase - always the very last thing I say to a missionary - "God be with you 'til we meet again." Wow.

  2. haha aubrey we must be strange like that! :) haha

  3. agreed. it is such a bittersweet thing. On the one hand you are so happy for them and so proud of them for going. But there is that little selfish part of you that still wants them here...with you. Hm....confuzzling.

  4. I loved this post! It brought light on the feelings of those who missionaries leave behind. I also loved your last paragraph-your determination to not sit around and mope but to find ways to serve others! You are amazing!

  5. Hey thanks Trevor! and yes its one of my favorite posts too! :)
