All good fairy tale stories begin with those 4 dear words. Well what if a story that began that way ended badly? Would we trust those four words with as much belief in the completely happy outcome? Well let me relay a story I heard, that was DESTINED to be a good story!

Once Upon a Time... a Beautiful Princess was walking about in a garden full of flowers and fountains and all manner of beautiful nature. To see this scene you would asume it was a painting by Da'Vinci! But alas it wasn't it was Real! And the princess was sweet and dear and loved all her fairy tale animal friends (who of course could speak to her and only her). She was lovely and had a gorgeous voice! Whenever a prince would hear the tune he'd follow it forever wanting more! Those princes couldn't get enough of this glorious sound! And when they saw the singer their hearts skipped a beat or two! They must all be in love! All be in love you say? That doesn't seem very likely! She can only love one! Oh but who should she chose?
This is Not fair She thought. For one prince was cunning and handsome and undeniably smart with a bit of sarcastic humor. But what about this one? Tall slender with dark brown eyes, a playful sense of humor, also very smart and unbelievably flirtatious. The third prince stepped up to meet the princess. He was sweet, shy and calm with his own sense of humor, but overall he was very well balanced and very comfortable to be around. Then the fourth prince moved forward, he was very intelligent, a complete goof ball, yet very knowlegdeable for the amount of books he read and the experiences he'd been through, he could relate very well. Then the fifth prince stood out of the crowd. He was definitely different. He didn't have a specific talent and wasn't amazing or outstanding at anything, he simply was an average prince with a keen sense for flirting and standing out among the crowd.
Well the Princess was very confused. So she set up a test to find out which she loved the most. None of the princes knew anything other than the order to return home. Later that day she sent out a royal message to all princes. She decided they would each have to explain why they liked her. The first named off all her talents and said why he liked them, the second and fourth followed suit. The third explained how he never liked anyone before and couldn't explain how he felt. But the fifth... well he just said "I like you. I know I do. I don't need to explain anything." The princess soon became annoyed with him and started arguing. But it was not in the role of a princess to argue so she stopped writing him.
The second task had each of the princes asking her to balls of some sort and giving her goodies from sweets to recreational game pieces. But for some reason the fifth prince just took her to the royal ice cream shop and she had to take Her royal carraige to pick him up.
What is up with this guy? He doesn't know any rules of decency. Yet later that night, she was astonished at how much fun she had talking. Just talking.
All of the Princes had at this time become good friends with the princess that it was impossile to choose. So she avoided it at all costs. She loved them all as dear friends and had a special connection with each.
But why did they have to be 5? why couldn't they all mix and be the perfect one for her? But of course nothing could happen. Unfortunately her friendly wizard friend Merlin II was on holiday and even if he could do something she knew she would lose something special from each prince.
GOOD GRIEF! She was about to give up completey until the third prince surprised her with a game to play to waste time. The number game. One would need to hit a ball into a different number hole a certain number of times to win. It was Random but fun, she decided he was the one! But alas, things didn't work out perfectly and so she moved on. Their friendship diminished and she hated the loss. She almost vowed not to like anyone again but prince #1 was just so much Fun! So after lots of debating with herself she gave in.
Alright sir my heart is yours. Then something tragic happened. In the middle of her bliss the 5th prince she did merely miss and He decided to pronounce his love for her gone. She felt heart broken.
Why must he treat me in this fashion? He was never nice to begin with. But now...There was something wrong. She shouldn't care like this. Why did she? Well needless to say she messed up everything with the first prince and decided to like someone who had declared his love for another.
Was she mad? Jealous? What is this feeling so sudden and new? ah... loathing!!! But why? UGH! Well she gave up. There was no hope left. She couldn't like the 2nd prince. He was her Bestest friend ever! And the fourth prince was sweet but he had some Dragons of his own that needed defeating. She couldn't expect any sympathy from the other two who probably felt used though it just wasn't true. She had nothing left but her princess studies to keep her going. Then... the tricky 5th prince decided he liked her once again. She was annoyed even more now than before.
How dare he think I can forgive him for all that he did and except him now? He was completely ridiculous, but something kept urging her forward, closer to that prince, she decided if she didn't try something she may die mad! or maybe she'd die mad either way but at least she would know. Right?
Well dear readers... she accepted his hand, and she gave him her whole heart. He was sweet but not as much as the others.
How could she like him? It was plain ridiculous. But alas she did and things continued down that road and they were engaged for a while... until he had to go to war. He was sent out early and he never returned. So now the princess continues her schooling rather glumly and argues ever more, she also has little to do or say so nearly nothing is done.
The End
Well readers? Tell me did you enjoy it? I'm sure I didn't. It was a ridiculous story with no happy ending! The author should be sued then put in a basement to correct this awful story. It must be rewritten! That is all there is to it. So I believe it is your turn now. Tell me how this story should REALLY go! You can write it in the comments when you're bored or on your own page to show the world that Once Upon a Time really does end "Happily Ever After!" Thank you for your courage and daring in accepting this assignment, hopefully it will become the Best story ever! Thank you Thank you. Till we meet again!