I know people are heated in debate about which candidate would be better and why they're happy and/or sad about what happened, but do we really need to bite each other's head off?When I heard Obama would be our next President I have to admit I felt dissapointed and confused and scared. Some guy I didn't know very well was about to become president and I didn't know how my future would turn out under his leadership. The second thought I had (which happened to take a whole day to have) was that although McCain didn't win, I could still live the same life I've lived. Obama hasn't taken my rights, he can't and even if I don't agree as much with his policies I probably wouldn't see much in action because presidents have limited powers. All because our founding fathers thought of limited powers! (I know that lots of you are thinking wow what a dismal person to think such things but I'm just honestly telling you my train of thought, k) Well my third thought was that the government is no longer divided. EVERYONE, well ok Most people, hope for divided government because divided government balances powers and ideas and contributes to making a good America! and frankly more work is done. And no offense to our congress... wait... no... complete offense to our congress... Listen up! We the American People want things to be done! Congress, stop sitting around arguing! I want a better tomorrow, thats why I elected you! And yes not everyone is bad but honestly I'm sick of MY money (technically my parents) being wasted to fund stupid stuff that NO ONE cares about! (except of course all of you who want extra money) Listen the reason I voted for McCain is that he has always been a man who wanted to get things done, he and Jeff Flake are some of the few who rant on Pork-barreling. He strives to help America, not like the lazy do-nothings who take $1 billion from the American people to fund a bridge that to the people it would help, don't want, Just so they can keep their seats in Congress, and get more money.
That and many other reasons are why I voted for McCain. He's a good man, who wants to do good. And while I don't know Obama that well, I suppose I'll get to know him over the next 4 years. I believe that if we all pull together and stick up for what we think is right we'll be able to make a difference! I also believe that what our founding fathers had to say "United we stand, Divided we fall" is correct. So instead of falling apart because the man we don't know or didn't want is President, we should support him and let him know what we think (how we are to do that I haven't quite figured out yet...) but I believe that this country is capable of lots of good! Debating isn't the answer. What's done is done. This includes any propositions. They were voted on and now we need to do what we can to make the best of them. Eating another persons head wouldn't succeed in doing anything other than making yourself a cannabal. So don't do it.
I encourage everyone to let go of their frustrations and their urges to bite people, and look towards the good that's left. It's the only way we are going to survive in this day and age. And if we really aren't happy about this president in four years time its ok because we'll vote Mrs. Ries in 2012 anyhow! :) I love my country! I love my rights! And I love this people! And incorporating a bit of religion into government, I pray for the best! Amen.
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