Ok so now I figured that talking about books is fun! So here is a book that I've been reading lately;
Till We Have Faces by
C.S. Lewis, a very outstanding author and one of my favorite. Its not a fantasy book but more of a "myth" that shows life through the eyes of an ugly princess. It is the myth of Cupid and Psyche retold through the eyes of Psyche's ugly and bitter sister Orual. Orual makes many mistakes due to her possesiveness of Psyche and her love for her. It shows the life of the two princesses and how they cannot understand the will of the Gods "till we have faces". Its a really good read and everyone can enjoy it (keyword "can", I know many people probably wouldn't like this type of book but it is really good). It keeps going when you think it will end but it keeps you in suspense. Sometimes its disheartening but at other times you realize how true some lessons are. Really Good Book! Recommended! **** (four stars). haha

On the other hand there is another book series that I have read. Yep.
Twilight. The book all girls rave about. (Keyword here... "girls") I don't think guys need to read it. Sure some of them might enjoy it but its a totally different level for girls, and I don't know how well guys can appreciate it the same way girls do. Its totally romantic and adventurous which is AWESOME! but it gets a bit hmm...
Interesting at times. So boys, sorry, but my suggestion is don't read it. For any girls who are bored and want to do something, Read it! Great book, really fun! Also **** (four stars). Its about a girl Bella who falls for a Vampire and a Werewolf. Imagine that. But she has to choose which is better while trying not to die at the same time. Many people or things are after her, wanting to break her and she has to escape while not harming any of her loved ones. Good Book, but something my mom would consider a junk book.
So if you want to actually Learn something from a book, dont read Twilight, read Till We Have Faces. If you feel like wasting time with something that catches your interest, is easy to read and keeps going, read the Twilight series! :) Good Luck!
I think I'd like to read Till We Have Faces, it sounds quite interesting! Plus, C. S. Lewis is one of my favorites. If you are looking for another good read, my most favorite book by Lewis is "The Great Divorce", followed closely by "The Screwtape Letters" and the "Chronicles of Narnia" (which I'm sue you've already read) :)