Ok Aubrey Tagged me to do this, so here it goes...
Eight things I am passionate about:
~The Gospel
~Singing (really truly!)
~Beautiful smells (memory smells)
~Love :)
Eight words or phrases I use the most lately:
~"Good Grief!" (Said Just like Charlie Brown)
~"Oi Vey!"
~"I'm soooo tired!"
~"Are you excited for Christmas?" (Mostly used at work)
~"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!" (Again used at work)
~"Um...I don-know"
~"Go away-ay" (I stole that phrase from a moose)
Eight things I want to do before I die:
~Fall in Love! (I know, its the first on my list, and Sorry I stole it from Aubrey)
~Serve a mission! I'm SOOO Excited!
~Finish College and get a degree in some major :)
~Learn at least 3 Languages other than English
~Have a Family!
~Travel to Many other Countries!
~Touch someone else's life, inspire someone else
~Serve everyone anytime I can!
Eight things I need right now:
~A BIG hug! Like Jen's! :)
~Fudge! Yum!
~Happiness! (I asked for it for Christmas)
~A major...
~More time.
~More energy! Pretty Please?
~Peace of mind about Everything!
Eight places I want to visit:
~The Amazon
~Niagra Falls
~My grandparents house! I love it!
Eight favorite restaurants:
~Olive Garden
~Macaroni Grill
~Texas Roadhouse (actually never been there but Maddy likes it) :)
~Tia Rosa's
~Red Robin (haven't been there either, I haven't been anywhere I guess)
Eight TV Shows I watch:
~Pushing Daisies
~Eli Stone
~Maybe an episode or two of House
~CyberChase (haha I love kids shows!)
Eighth picture in the eighth folder:

Eight people I tag to do this same post:
Heather, Kristin, Stacey, Chelsea Ellsworth, Sean Hill, Jennifer Freeman, Linndsy Curtis, Kathy!
Your picture from Sadie's is depressing. Maybe I'm over analyzing the picture but Carolyn and I are walking together, as we should, Becca is talking to Sean, leaving Daniel all by himself, Since Sean is talking to Becca, Jordann is talking to your date and you are all alone. :(
ReplyDeleteyep i know. Later that night Daniel and I ended up talking more. I think that was the first time Daniel and I really talked other than stake dances haha. But its all cool cuz I still had fun that night! And I met you Trevor! Thats the first time We really talked too! :)