My Songs!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Music is in My Soul

So I have missed music like CRAZY! I haven't had time nor space in my schedule to add it to my schedule at school so after my senior year my life became pretty colorless. Music is the color of life! :)
Because the lack of music I needed to add something, so I started going to my ward choir, I joined in the Messiah with some friends and I was asked to join a small musical with some people in our ward, The Forgotten Carols! And I must admit that Daniel Throckmorton and Aubrey Noble have helped me to go back to listening to Music regularily so I want to thank you both and everyone who has contributed to music in some way or another. I LOVE it! ok that was my random rant for the day! Thanks for listening! :D


  1. Yay for spreading the love! Music is good.

  2. Wow, do I feel special! A personal call out by Maureen on her blog! And I love spreading music! That's why the gmail account now has over 170 songs on it and counting ;)
