My Songs!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Moving On... No One Ever Said It Was Easy!

Sometimes change comes at a hard time in your life. Sometimes you sit down and think "Why me?" And other times you think "this is perfect timing!" Well what if it happens to be both? What are you supposed to think then? Which emotion controls the others? ...Why do you have to be emotional in the first place about any change? And why can it be so down right hard!?

Yep obviously change has happened in my life and I don't exactly know how to handle it. Ok... thats a lie. I know how to handle it because Many people tell me how to, but what if I don't want to do it that way? *sigh* if you don't know I suppose you'd be rather confused. Well Darrik Farmer just left for his mission for my Church. He's off to Brazil! And I couldn't be happier for him and all the other awesome guys who will soon be doing the Lord's will and serving others! (upcoming missionaries: Matt Hoskisson, Kendall Sirrine, Tanner Neville, Joe Kjar... etc.) But the hard thing is that he's gone... and he was a really good friend of mine. In fact when all my other friends went to school in other states he was still here, one of the few! And we got to be better friends over the past month. Well he left on tuesday and now I have mixed over-joyous and sad feelings that are battling over which I should be from time to time. Ugh. And whats kinda awesome but harder to handle is that All my guy friends are leaving in the next few years too! And since I've sworn off dating for a while its going to be a long 2 -3 years! ;)

Well I've decided to just be happy about it and while my guy friends are gone what a perfect time to perfect myself and serve the Lord in my own way by serving others here! My goal is to show my love to others out there who need it! I'm excited for all the guys to go off and serve their missions! And I know they're all excited too! Good luck! And God be with you till we meet again!! Go Missionaries! :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Conference! ~I Love to see the Temple!~

I failed in writing about it earlier so I'm going to right now! well... Conference weekend: a time to dwell on things of the spirit and hear from our leaders who are inspired to tell us what we need! It was so awesome to be able to go to Utah and go to the Conference center, unfortunately I couldn't get in the center so Me, Chelsea, Trevor, and Sean went to the theatre right next to it to listen from there.

Wow! I'm forgetting everything! I went up on Friday to stay with Chelsea Ellsworth, my bestest friend! (we've been friends since 2nd grade) Becky Fowkes, another friend since 2nd grade, came down later! We had so much fun staying up late hanging out with high school friends, and waking up late, eating from random cafeterias, and watching Iron Man! It was fun to have a reunion so soon after graduation! haha I'm going to miss all of them so much. Hopefully we'll all keep in contact! That includes Chelsea, Sterling, Perry, Becky, Trevor, Sean, Ryan, Melody and even all the friends who weren't there! (Christine you better keep in touch ;D ) Well after lots of partying and Conference I was able to go to my grandparents house in Farmington with Chelsea! It was really cold though so we stayed bundled up in doors. My aunts, uncles and cousins were also there for Sunday dinner so it was a blast hanging out with everyone! Hopefully I'll be able to do this again! I'm so grateful to Chelsea for letting me stay over! Chels, your apartment rocks and you seem as happy as ever! We're hanging out during Christmas break!!! :) Well again this is a reminder to everyone to keep in touch! I love you all! :D


BOYS!!! They bring trouble, drama, uncertainty, confusion and sometimes life filled with woes. Well I've got to thinking... what if its me that is bringing it upon myself? Ya sure guys add a lot to it but what if its my problem too? Well all the guys reading this are probably thinking WOW she finally got it through her head... Bravo Maureen! and the girls are probably like... its boys faults! Well I've been in deep thought over this for the past few days and I have to hand it to the guys, they deal with a lot! Girls like me love drama... being right all the time, more drama, getting what they want, more drama, speaking in endless phrases that to guys don't make sense, and attention. But in our defense boys forget, they don't get us, and they don't like to talk as much as we do (which I still don't understand). You'd think we (boys and girls) would all get that we're different and move on but we tend to cause even more trouble. Why is that? And why in the end will we do anything for them even if they do something we consider stupid? Well I don't think these questions will be answered anytime soon or ever really... Its a confusing subject really, but hey they say opposites attract maybe we complete eachother in a way... nah! ;) ha ha jk! well please respond, I'd like to hear your opinions!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Sad Day Over!

This morning I woke up to a burst of screams. Our dog is back! Some neighbor found her! Nothing to worry about anymore. Welcome home Honey!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My lost little Doggie!

Well little Honey B. took an adventure today, we didn't realize she had left, or that she wasn't coming back. Please come home Honey! wherever you are. If you ever knew Honey or just want to help please keep her in your thoughts. Thanks.