My Songs!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Boot Camp!!!

For the joy of all those who read consistently and get angry when I'm slow at writing new posts... here's a new one! ;)

Tonight I attended BOOT CAMP! The most killer thing of all killer things! (well at least I think so) Tonight I realized how weak my arms really are. While trying to do push ups and lifting one arm off the ground, my other arm was shaking so much I literally fell on myself. Of course that was after earlier stretches, but still I don't think I've ever been that shaky. Anywho! my arms kill, my thighs ache, my triceps are burning and I'm surprised I can move my hands enough to write this! Then again I better be able to move again soon... I still have homework to do. :( Well It was tricky and very difficult! But after the burning sensation leaves and your body is numb to the aches and pains, its not all that bad. ;) Hopefully tomorrow when I'm dancing, I won't kill over and fall on the other girls. :p

If anyone is considering boot camp as an extra-curricular activity that gets you in shape, I definitely recommend it! Try it out and see what you think!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Break Babysitting Memories

So whenever my parents go out of town for the weekend, me being the oldest, I'm left to babysit the girls. I'm not complaining or anything, it can be lots of fun! Well This time was special! Me and Maddy usually try to find something obscure and random to do so that the little girls think we're cool older sisters! So this time we decided Water Works!

With the hose and a wall (and of course oursleves) we can make art! Check it out!

This is Emmy and Olivia's water mark

We also had some water fun!